Pat has loved paper since childhood, any scrap of paper could keep her entertained for hours. Paper dolls, airplanes, folding her very own books, watching how the wind blew through her hand-held windmill were all a part of her past. Later in life she discovered her passion had a name, origami, an ancient Japanese art form of folding two and three dimensional art forms. The simplistic patterns fascinated her the most. Through a culmination of her life time collections and views of the human spirit Pat found a way to express her ideas through this incredible art form.
One bird or hundreds of birds can represent their sense of freedom, flight and resourcefulness. In this exhibit, Pat has multiplied many simple shapes into art pieces that express her thoughts in today’s world. An old book or music sheets, an interesting branch or an old piece of lace or clothing have inspired the pieces she has created into or combined with origami.
In presenting this show, Pat’s hope is to inspire people, to realize there is an infinite source of inspiration in life and nature, it can take root in your soul and grow into amazing ways of expressing yourself.