Plein Air Oil Painting Workshop with Lindsay Isenhart
Mon. October 16 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Ages 16+ $75 ($65 Members)
Meet at Branstrom Park lower playground parking lot
Plein air painting is about experiencing painting and drawing in the landscape. This meditative practice allows the artist to be present in the landscape, to fully experience and examine their surroundings which translates to a different quality of image. All materials provided, including a box containing a glass pallet preloaded with 6 basic oil colors, 4”x6” painting boards, medium cups, two brushes, rags, pencil, sighting stick and view finder. If you want to keep your kit, they are available for $30. We will discuss oil as a medium, composition, light, ground, subtractive painting, blocking in and the use of a limited pallet. Rain or shine, there is shelter if needed. Bring a lunch, a chair, and dress for the weather. Bring your own pochade if you have one, it’s otherwise provided.