Exploring the Universe

NCCA-Artsplace 13 E. Main Street, Fremont, MI, United States

Exploring the Universe Sat. March 22 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. Age 6-8 $12 Students will use a variety of mixed media - tissue, tin, paint, chalk, painted papers - to capture the wonder of the universe.


Party Elephant

NCCA-Artsplace 13 E. Main Street, Fremont, MI, United States

Party Elephant Th. April 3 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Age 6-8 $12 Students in this class will create a fancy elephant using bright colors and shiny metallic papers, paint and markers. Let’s party!


Mountain Sunset

NCCA-Artsplace 13 E. Main Street, Fremont, MI, United States

Mountain Sunset Thurs. April 3 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Age 9-12 $15 This lesson is a sweet combination of color theory, landscape and gradating paint colors.


Fused Glass Wind Chimes

NCCA-Artsplace 13 E. Main Street, Fremont, MI, United States

Fused Glass Wind Chimes Thurs. April 3 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Age 9 - 12 $15 Create bold hanging chimes to attach with coat- ed jewelers wire to a decorative dowel. All materials provided. Finished project ready to pick up a week after class.


Clay Owl Dish

NCCA-Artsplace 13 E. Main Street, Fremont, MI, United States

Clay Owl Dish Sat. April 5 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Age 4-5 $7 Our young artists will use basic pinch pot and slab techniques to form a sweet little owl. What a hoot!


Clay Butterfly Bath

NCCA-Artsplace 13 E. Main Street, Fremont, MI, United States

Clay Butterfly Bath Sat. April 5 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. Age 6-8 $12 Use clay slabs, die cuts, texture tools and bold colorful glazes to create a shallow watering dish to set out in your garden for the butterflies.


Fish Foam Print

NCCA-Artsplace 13 E. Main Street, Fremont, MI, United States

Fish Foam Print Th. April 10 3:45 - 5:00 p.m. Age 6-8 $12 Using a piece of thin foam our student artists will design a detailed fish and then make a print of their design.


Op Art Study

NCCA-Artsplace 13 E. Main Street, Fremont, MI, United States

Op Art Study Tues. April 15 3:45 - 5:00 p.m. Age 9-12 $15 How fun it is to use simple paper techniques that will result in a fool-the-eye optical illusion.


Repousse Mask on Stand

NCCA-Artsplace 13 E. Main Street, Fremont, MI, United States

Repousse Mask on Stand Sat. April 19 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. Age 6-8 $12 Using simple tools our students will design a highly patterned, colorful mask from a thin sheet of metal.


Layered Landscape

NCCA-Artsplace 13 E. Main Street, Fremont, MI, United States

Layered Landscape Th. April 24 3:45 - 5:00 p.m. Age 6-8 $12 These simple paper landscapes will be assembled using painted papers, paint and yarn in the style of the colorful arpilleras from South America.
