Welcome Spring Girl’s Club with Kris Vredeveld

Tuesday 3:45-5:15 p.m.

March 17, 24, 31, (skip April 7), April 14, 21, 28

Ages 8-14

This is a class for girls that like to experiment with a variety of art materials in a fun, encouraging atmosphere. Mrs. Vredeveld has been experimenting with many new ideas that she can’t wait to share with the Girl’s Club. Come, enjoy a healthy snack and begin creating.

The World Around Us with Kris Vredeveld

Thursdays 3:45-5:00 p.m.

March 6, 13, 20, 27

Class Fee: $35 ($30 Members)

Ages 6-10

The splendor of the natural world that surrounds us has been the inspiration for artists for thousands of years. In this class students will create artwork inspired by the beauty and complexity of nature.

Art is FUNdamental with Kris Vredeveld

Thursdays 3:45-5:00 p.m.

February 6, 13, 20, 27

Class Fee: $35 ($30 Member)

Ages 6-10

What is the color wheel? What is texture? In this class students will learn about the basic fundamentals of art, learn to recognize them in fine art pieces and use a variety of interesting media to create their own work.

Art with Artists with Kris Vredeveld

Thursdays 3:45-5:00 p.m.

January 9, 16, 23, 30

Ages 6-10

Has your child met Pablo Picasso? In this class students will be introduced to the style of some interesting artists and learn how to use a variety of media to create artwork that reflects the unique style of each artist.