NCCA-Artsplace Exhibit: Sophia Bassett – Patterns of My Childhood

Sophia Bassett : Patterns of My Childhood
January 12 – February 26
This installation exhibit is a combination of block printmaking, couture fashion design and autobiographical elements. Sophia Bassett is a postgraduate at Interlochen Arts Academy from Fremont. She frequently uses fibers, ceramics, metals, and printmaking to create her individual pieces and installation work. Her artwork shows how she discovered the ability to create designs that connect to create larger, ongoing patterns, taking a small idea and turning it into something that could repeat itself, creating something powerful. In her work, she looks at the idea of childhood memories and examines their importance in her life when they were first created and how they continue to impact her. She uses feminine and domestic imagery to allude to the expected standards placed upon her and the expression of childhood whimsy that was stolen at a young age.

Click the link below to enjoy and interview with artist Sophia Bassett.