Cartoon Illustration

Cartoon Illustration
Thurs. April 10, 17, 24 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Age 9-15 $20
Come and explore the art of relief portraits. Starting with a base of simple cardboard students will add a variety of creative materials to complete their imaginative portrait.

Fall Oil Pastel Painting/Drawing with Susie Rodriquez

Fall Oil Pastel Painting/Drawing
with Susie Rodriquez
Tues., October 3 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Ages 16+ $40 ($35 Members)
Jump into fall with the bold color and unique blending of oil pastels! Susie will guide you through the process of laying out your compositions, blocking in background colors, and adding the colorful highlights and shadows that make your image pop. All materials provided.

Ray’s Tuesdays – Studio Nights

Ray’s Tuesdays – Studio Nights
Tuesday, Sept. 26, Oct. 31, Nov. 7 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Ages 16+ $5 per evening for the live model
This is not a formally led class, instead a gathering of peers, art enthusiasts new and seasoned, and those interested in making art in a social setting. Inspired by the many Tuesday nights locals spent gathering in Ray Jansma’s studio drawing, painting, and sharing. It’s a great way to stay in practice, get feedback, be inspired, and share whatever exciting new medium or subject you’re working with. First part of the evening we’ll spend about a half hour catching up, have some tea, and share works in progress. Then the group will spend the next hour and a half drawing from a live model, or an arranged still life. Easels, drawing boards, newsprint and charcoal always available, but bring what you want to work with each evening. Please give us a call or stop in to preregister so we know how many people to prepare for, everyone is welcome!

Drawing 101 – Still Life Bottles Using Shading Techniques

Drawing 101 – Still Life Bottles Using Shading Techniques
Thurs., March 30 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Ages 10 – 18 $7
Push your drawing skills from basic shape and form into something more refined and shaded! Students will use pencil, pen and ink to create a shaded, dimensional drawing.

Life Drawing with Gesture

Life Drawing with Gesture
Tues., August 16 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Ages 12-18

Students will create charcoal drawings from a live model using proportion, gesture, weighted line and blocking in of light values.

Drawing Toolbox Series – Grid Drawing/Sighting

Drawing Toolbox Series
Thurs., February 3 – March 17 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Ages 14-Adult $12 Per Day ($70 for full series)
This one hour, once a week, series is designed to arm you with basic drawing techniques that can be used across many artistic disciplines. These are skills you can add you your “toolbox” for all future artistic endeavors. 9”x12” sketch pad required.
Feb. 3 Chiaroscuro (shading techniques)
Feb. 10 Stippling
Feb. 17 Cross hatching
Feb. 24 Subtractive drawing
Mar. 3 Positive/negative space
Mar. 10 Contour, cross contour and weighted line
Mar. 17 Grid drawing/Sighting/Proportion

Drawing Toolbox Series: Contour, Cross Contour, and Weighted Line

Drawing Toolbox Series: Contour, Cross Contour, and Weighted Line
Thurs., February 3 – March 17 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Ages 14-Adult $12 Per Day ($70 for full series)
This one hour, once a week, series is designed to arm you with basic drawing techniques that can be used across many artistic disciplines. These are skills you can add you your “toolbox” for all future artistic endeavors. 9”x12” sketch pad required.

Drawing Toolbox Series: Positive/Negative Space

Drawing Toolbox Series: Positive/Negative Space
Thurs., February 3 – March 17 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Ages 14-Adult $12 Per Day ($70 for full series)
This one hour, once a week, series is designed to arm you with basic drawing techniques that can be used across many artistic disciplines. These are skills you can add you your “toolbox” for all future artistic endeavors. 9”x12” sketch pad required.

Drawing Toolbox Series: Subtractive Drawing

Drawing Toolbox Series: Subtracting Drawing
Thurs., February 3 – March 17 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Ages 14-Adult $12 Per Day ($70 for full series)
This one hour, once a week, series is designed to arm you with basic drawing techniques that can be used across many artistic disciplines. These are skills you can add you your “toolbox” for all future artistic endeavors. 9”x12” sketch pad required.

Drawing Toolbox Series: Cross Hatching

Drawing Toolbox Series: Cross Hatching
Thurs., February 3 – March 17 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Ages 14-Adult $12 Per Day ($70 for full series)
This one hour, once a week, series is designed to arm you with basic drawing techniques that can be used across many artistic disciplines. These are skills you can add you your “toolbox” for all future artistic endeavors. 9”x12” sketch pad required.