Paintings by Charles Allen LaRue: Exhibit

Paintings by Charles Allen LaRue
Jansma Gallery at NCCA-Artsplace, 13 E. Main St., Fremont, 231-924-4022.

Charles is a Michigan native and it is from the Great Lakes State that he derives much of his inspiration for his colorful interpretations of the structures and organic forms that he depicts.

He had drawn pictures since he was old enough to grasp a pencil in his fist, and sought a way of doing something with his love of picture- making. So upon high school graduation he moved from South Haven to Grand Rapids to attend the Kendall College of Art and Design, graduating with an Illustration major. Charles freelanced and did in-house work as an illustrator.

Charles had three pivotal experiences that collectively catapulted him into going headlong into pure Fine Arts painting. He spent a summer in France where he studied informally and steeped himself in the paintings and scenery of what he had previously known only through reproductions in art books. He began seeing light and colors more robustly in everything. When Charles returned to Grand Rapids with a new vision and essentially truly beheld GR’s Heritage Hill area for the first time he saw the neighborhood as a shapescape, with clustered architectonic geometries, as he had been sensitized to in Paris. The colors flooded in for him that had been pale in comparison to his older work.

Later, Charles moved from purely geometrized patterns all coalescing, into paintings that allowed more atmosphere and fluid, organic elements. But he still paints in the manner of a craftsman; feeling as though he is assembling discrete units of colored materials into a gestalt image. Charles maintains a studio in Grand Rapids and can be seen frequently in the city, carrying a sketchbook to record more potential painting inspirations.

NCCA-Artsplace Youth Art Exhibit

NCCA-Artsplace Youth Art Exhibit: March 4-26

The 2020 Youth Art Exhibit was given the theme “Imagine That!” and showcases imagination and creativity! Teachers and parents of children from the Newaygo County area submitted artwork from school children Kindergarten through 6th grade. Selected entries along with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards, honorable mention and special recognition, will be on display in the Jansma Gallery at NCCA-Artsplace!

The NCCA-Artsplace Youth Art Award Ceremony scheduled for Friday, March 27 have been cancelled. We will distribute all of the artwork and prizes to schools once they are back in session.

Exhibit: Leaving A Mark

Leaving A Mark • February 11 through 29
Reception: Saturday, February 29
10:00 a.m. – Noon
Jansma Gallery at NCCA-Artsplace,
13 E. Main St., Fremont, 231-924-4022.

Some people make a mark on a canvas, paper, or carved into wood, others leave an indelible mark on our lives. This exhibit is a collection of works by Ray Jansma, Gail Johnston, Mike McDonnell and Janine Hogancamp Scholars and artists inspired by the Tuesdays at Ray’s life drawing studio; curated to show us what a lasting impression looks like.

Styling by Joel Curtis

Some of the artists include: Sharon Smithem, Isobel Karnes, Steve Replogle, Lindsay Isenhart, Lance Moon, Lara Cummings, Scott McKowen, Jack Smith, Mike McDonnell, Jaime Pell, Joel Curtis, Kaitlyn Knuver, Rachel Eager, Pat Miller, Cara O’Brien, Autumn Aslakson, Erin Sweers, Dale R. Johnson, Gail Johnston, Allison Kublin, and others.

Pottery by Autumn Aslakson

Along with his family, Ray Jansma contributed of his time and talents to our community in immeasurable ways. He was a gifted painter, sculptor, wood worker, boat builder, potter, photographer and by trade a talented architectural designer. While designing over 300 architectural jobs in 30 years as a design agency of one, Ray and Phyllis raised four children, and Ray created thousands of original works of fine art. Ray’s studio, located just behind their Ramshorn home, was always open. This creative sanctuary is where artists or those just wanting to explore painting and drawing could gather every Tuesday night to draw from live models.

There are currently five art scholarships available to students in Newaygo County:
NCCA Gail Johnston Memorial Scholarship for Visual Fine Arts
NCCA Ray Jansma Scholarship for Visual Fine Arts
Janene Hogancamp Memorial Scholarship for Graphic Arts
Helen Myers Memorial Scholarship
NCCA Mike McDonnell & Bessie Slautterback Scholarship for Visual Fine Arts

Scholarship applications and contributions can be made through the Fremont Area Community Foundation. Link Here: 

Eric Michaels: Landscapes In Watercolor and Oil

January 4 – February 8 
Eric Michaels Landscapes 
In Watercolor and Oil
Reception January 23
6:00-7:30 p.m.
Jansma Gallery at NCCA-Artsplace,
13 E. Main St., Fremont,

Eric Michaels is a signature member of the Oil Painters of America, the National Watercolor Society, and the Pastel Society of America.

Perhaps the most distinctive feature of Eric Michaels’ work is its eclectic flavor. The subject matter spans four continents and both hemispheres, and his painting in the Historical and Western genres are collected nationally and internationally.

Michaels has exhibited at the Royal Watercolor Society in London and has been a regular exhibitor in the Artists of America, the Great American Artists and the “Quest for the West” exhibition at the Eiteljorg Museum. His paintings hang in many private, corporate, museum and state collections; including IBM, Honeywell-Sperry Inc., Phillips Petroleum, Puma International, the Albuquerque Museum of Fine Art, Booth Museum of Western Art, the Americana Museum, Haggin Museum, New Mexico State Governor’s Gallery and the Pearce Museum of Western Art.

Be sure to check out the watercolor and oil paintings workshops Eric is teaching this winter on page 14 of the Arts & Culture Connections Newsletter.

Learn more about Eric here:


NCCA-Artsplace Holiday Artist Market

NCCA-Artsplace Holiday Artist Market
November 16 – December 28
Opening Day November 16, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
This annual market features original artwork by over 80 local artists. Pottery, jewelry, photography, wood carving, wood turning, oil painting, watercolor, mosaic, acrylic painting, clay sculpture, candles, beeswax and honey products, ornaments, glass blowing, fused glass, fiber arts, metal working, printmaking and more! A wide variety of items available from ornaments and cards to the perfect painting.

If you would like your artwork to be considered for the NCCA-Artsplace Holiday Artist Market, please e-mail or make an appointment to review your work at NCCA-Artsplace, 13 E. Main Street, Fremont, 231-924-4022 by October 19.

July 17 – August 17- The Big Lake

July 17 – August 17- The Big Lake: Artwork by Regional Artists
Inspired by Lake Michigan
Reception August 1, 5:30-7:00 p.m.


“Along My Garden Path” is a work by by Roycine King.

Many artists in our region can’t help but be influenced by or inspired by the Great Lakes that surround us. The Big Lake exhibit features painting, printmaking, sculpture, and photography by Lee Ann Frame, Ken Foster, Roycine King, Cara O’Brien, Diane Zoellmer, and Shelley Hale. All are artists living in West Michigan, in whose work you may see a direct connection or at the very least see the connection of the power of water wind and sand, of a magnificent force applied through time.

Hot Wax: The Art of Batik and Pysanky Artwork by Lara Cummings and Dena DeKryger

March 23 – April 27
Hot Wax: The Art of Batik and Pysanky
Artwork by Lara Cummings and Dena DeKryger
Demonstration Thursday, April 25, 5:30-7:00

Jansma Gallery at NCCA-Artsplace, 13 E. Main St., Fremont, 231-924-4022.

The use of wax in fine art has thousands of years of history in art forms such as batik and pysanky. This exhibit features two local artists, Lara Cummings’ Pysanky egg design and Dena DeKryger’s batik paintings.

Lara Cummings is a former Jansma Scholarship recipient and has explored many fine art mediums. Her love of Pysanky eggs comes from a family heritage tradition that she decided to explore and excel at. Pysanka is a Ukrainian Easter egg, decorated with traditional Ukrainian folk designs using a wax-resist method.

Dena DeKryger states “For me, the art of batik encompasses boldness, serendipity, individuality, and memory. Each decision that goes into making a batik must be bold because that decision cannot be reversed or amended. Once the wax hits the muslin, the color of the fabric beneath the wax is defined.”

On Thursday, April 25, enjoy free demonstrations in Batik by Kris Vredeveld, and Pysanky by Lindsay Isenhart. Try your hand at these traditional wax and dye art techniques.

NCCA-Artsplace Exhibit: West Michigan Potters Guild

West Michigan Potters Guild
February 4 through 23
Reception: Saturday, February 23 – 10:00 a.m. – Noon
This exhibit showcases a selection of WMPG members creating clay work in a wide variety of processes and styles. Stop in and expand your knowledge of ceramics and support these West Michigan artists!

West Michigan Potters Guild began in 1983 as a group of clay artists organized to improve their own ceramic skills by providing a stimulating and inspirational discussion of technical problems, mutual interests and shared successes, also to acquaint the general public with standards, ethics and appreciation of ceramic art. This is accomplished through lectures, discussions, seminars, workshops and group exhibitions. These events are organized and sponsored by the guild and its members. Membership is open to all who are interested in the goals of this organization. The guild is currently over 80 members who specialize in a variety of firing techniques and construction methods in both functional and non-functional forms. The public is invited to attend workshops and bi-annual shows sponsored by the guild and experience the wealth of talent and knowledge that this guild has to offer.

Charter members of this organization have seen many changes, from a beginning of less that one dozen the guild has now grown to over 70 members. The guild sponsors and organizes two members sales each year. The Spring Show is held in April and the Fall Show in November at the St. Nicholas Antioichian Orthodox Church. Each show is an opportunity for art patrons to see the amazing diversity of technique and product. The guild sponsors 1 or 2 workshops each year. These educational workshops bring icons of the ceramic world, to demonstrate their own approach to this art form. Monthly meetings are held at members studios or community centers in the West Michigan area.

Members participating in this exhibit include:

Neven Allan

Judy Bregman
Mike Bryant
Richard Brinn
Lisa Carnell
Julie Devers
Mari Star Golub
Rosemary Hayes
Bonnie Knapp
Jane Kropewnicki
Mary Kuilema
Jerri Puerner
Tonya Rund
Rita Shields
Eric Strader
Mike Vermerris
Amber Wallour

NCCA Exhibit – January 4 – February 2 Malia Rae Photography from the Heart

January 4 – February 2
Malia Rae
Photography from the Heart
Reception: Thursday, January 24, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Jansma Gallery at NCCA-Artsplace,
13 E. Main St., Fremont, 231-924-4022.

This exhibit features a series of photographs by Malia Rae, printed on metal, with all containing the motif of a heart found in nature.

Artist Statement: It began with the concept “What you look for in life you find.” I went to Mother Nature to soothe my soul. She responded with an abundance of Love – manifesting in the symbolic shape of a heart. With camera as my witness, I have been documenting the evidence of my many findings on this journey. Mother Nature has given me the greatest gifts I never would have thought to ask for. With these hearts She has taught me about transformation; turning betrayal into trust, heartbreak into love, confusion into clarity, and pain into purpose. Maybe this is true alchemy? I am beginning to think the universal elixir is love, and love is gold.

I continue to return to nature as a ritual of remembering to return to Love. This has become a practice of exploration and discovery, awakening to a new landscape of possibility. My passion in art, and life, is to connect with other hearts and share Love that uplifts and inspires as we awaken within.

NCCA-Artsplace Exhibit: 21st Century Arts & Crafts Movement

21st Century Arts & Crafts Movement
July 11 through August 7, 2018
Public Reception/Demonstrations
August 4, 10:00 a.m.-Noon
Jansma Gallery at NCCA-Artsplace, 13 E. Main St., Fremont, 231-924-4022.

The 1880-1920 Arts and Crafts Movement was a critique of industrial society, the modern factory, the use of machinery and the loss of traditional craft methods. The Arts and Crafts forefathers thought that a healthy and moral society required independent workers who designed the things they made.

Today in addition to the result of the industrial revolution, we have the technological revolution. Objects are made on assembly lines, of which the worker is one more step removed from the process by automated assembly, and computerized manipulation, like that of the 3D printer. The loss of traditional craft methods is concerning.

This exhibit is curated to bring to the forefront traditional art forms, hand made craftsmanship, and hopefully to pass on those traditions to the next generation. Learn about fine blacksmithing, woodworking, fiber arts, book binding, print making and other hand made fine arts.

Contact if you are interested in participating.


Featured image detail by Manuel Vermeire.