ORVIS Fly Tying 101

Thursday 6:00-9:00 p.m.

August 11

Free, Pre-registration Required

Ages 14-Adult

You’ve always wanted to learn to tie your own flies but just
couldn’t find the time. Now you can get a free two-hour
introductory lesson with expert instruction and all tools
/ materials provided. Fly tying requires no special skills,
anyone can learn it, and with a few hours of practice each
week you’ll be cranking out terrific flies by spring. Tying
your own flies adds so much to the fun of fly fishing and
adds a whole new dimension to the experience. To help
you on your way, students in our free class are entitled
to a special discount on tools, materials, and fly-tying kits
during the class. Sponsored by Orvis® Grand Rapids.
Class is limited to 8 students.

Seeking Submissions for NCCA-Artsplace Exhibit: Art of Fishing

Looking for artisans who tie, carve, paint, etc. decoys, mounts, flies, lures, make nets, rods, anything related to fishing. Also instructors/speakers. The main goal of this exhibition is to spotlight all of the different traditional craft, modern technique and also fine art related to the sport of fishing and also promote good stewardship and conservation of Michigan fisheries and natural resources.

The exhibit will be on display at NCCA-Artsplace, 13 E. Main, Fremont, July 13 through August 15. I’m also looking for artists/photographers who use fish and their environments as their subject in painting, drawing and photography. I would need all work turned in to NCCA-Artsplace by July 8. Interested artists/craftsmen should contact me by June 15 to be included in the Newaygo County Arts & Culture Connections Magazine promotional materials.

All of the artwork/lures/etc included in this exhibition can be for display only, or if artists wish, items can also be for sale at our regular 30% consignment rate. If you are interested or have recommendations for consideration, please contact me! Photographs, descriptions of work, links etc can be sent to my email for consideration of your work.Fishies Paul

Lindsay Isenhart
Curator/Program Coordinator
Newaygo County Council for the Arts
13 E. Main Street
Fremont, MI 49412
