Lapidary with Jewelry Designers Don and Cheryl Benson

Lapidary with Jewelry Designers Don
and Cheryl Benson
Monday/Thursday 4:00-6:00 p.m. September 23, 26, 30,
October 3
Class Fee: $95 ($90 Members) Ages 16-Adult

This class is designed to provide an experience few people will ever have an opportunity to try. Each participant will learn to cut, shape and polish a stone in preparation for creating a one-of-a-kind pendant. Next, students will design a silver setting for their stone. Open studio time will be available during the course. Bring your own stone or select from our supply. Don’t miss this opportunity to work with master jewelers.

**2 Spots Available!** Lapidary with Jewelry Designers Don and Cheryl Benson

Tuesdays/Thursdays, March 18, 21, 25, 28 from 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Class Fee: $95 ($90 Members)

Ages: 16-Adult

This class is designed to provide an experience few people will ever have an opportunity to try. Each participant will learn to cut, shape and polish a stone in preparation for creating a one-of-a-kind pendant. Next, students will design a silver setting for their stone. Open studio time will be available during the course. Bring your own stone or select from our supply.

**FULL, Waitlist Available**Lapidary and Silversmithing with Don and Cheryl Benson

Tuesday/Thursday, September 25 & 27 and October 2 & 4 from 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Class Fee: $95 ($90 Members)

Ages 16-Adult

This class is designed to provide an experience few
people will ever have an opportunity to try. Each participant
will learn to cut, shape and polish a stone in
preparation for creating a one-of-a-kind pendant. Next,
students will design a silver setting for their stone.
Open studio time will be available during the course.
Bring your own stone or select from our supply. Don’t
miss this opportunity to work with master jewelers.

**FULL, Waitlist Available**Lapidary with Jewelry Designers Don and Cheryl Benson

Tuesday/Thursday 4:00-6:00 p.m.
February 20, 22, 27, March 1
Class Fee: $95 ($90 Members) Ages 16-Adult
This class is designed to provide an experience few
people will ever have an opportunity to try. Each participant
will learn to cut, shape and polish a stone in
preparation for creating a one-of-a-kind pendant. Next,
students will design a silver setting for their stone.
Open studio time will be available during the course.
Bring your own stone or select from our supply. Don’t
miss this opportunity to work with master jewelers.

Lapidary with Jewelry Designers Don and Cheryl Benson

Tues/Thurs 4:00-6:00 p.m.

February 28, March 2, 7, 9

Class Fee: $95 ($90 Members)

Ages 14-Adult

This class is designed to provide an experience few people will ever have an opportunity to try. Each participant will learn to cut, shape and polish a stone in preparation for creating a one-of-a-kind pendant. Next, students will design a silver setting for their stone. Open studio time will be available during the course. Bring your own stone or select from our supply. Don’t miss this opportunity to work with master jewelers.

Intermediate Lapidary Workshop with Don and Cheryl Benson

Wed./Th. 4:00-6:00 p.m.

October 19, 20, 26, 27

Class Fee: $95($90 Members)

Ages 16-Adult

Lapidary experience required
Now that you have some lapidary experience it is time to take it to the next level. Join Don and Cheryl as they share their years of experience in jewelry making. Open studio time will be available during the course. Please bring your own stone or select one from our supply.