NCCA Statewide Photography Competition

NCCA 2015 Statewide Photography Competition

Our goal is to exhibit and acknowledge the finest photographers in the State of Michigan and encourage greater growth and achievement in the photographic community. This is a juried competition. Selected works will be exhibited and among them will be the honor of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place and honorable mentions receiving ribbons and cash awards ($300, $200, $100, $50). The 2015 NCCA Statewide Photography Competition will celebrate with a public reception and awards ceremony on May 16, 2015 at NCCA-Artsplace.

2015 Juror: Brian Kainulainen

Brian Kainulainen is a professional landscape photographer. Although photography is his primary medium, Kainulainen has also received a Bachelor of Fine Art in Painting and Graphic Design and worked several years as a Graphic Artist, which has added a certain artistic quality to his work. Kainulainen has been running his own photography business from his home in Scottville, MI for the past 7 years. His work has received numerous awards and has been exhibited at institutions and art festivals throughout Michigan.

Time Line

Entries Due April 18, 2015, 2:00 p.m.
Acceptance Notification April 27, 2015
Exhibit Opens May 6, 2015
Reception and Awards May 16, 10:00 a.m. – Noon
Exhibit Closes June 13, 2015
Pick-up All Work by June 27, 2015

Entry Guidelines

• Must be Michigan resident, 18 or older, to submit work.
• Work must be framed and ready to display or finished appropriately.
• All photographic processes are accepted.
• NCCA reserves the right to decline artwork for any reason.
• Accepted work may be placed for sale during the exhibit.
• A 30% commission is charged on all sales during exhibit.
• Each eligible photographer may submit up to two pieces of work.
• All entries must be delivered to NCCA by April 18, 2:00 p.m.
• Entry labels must be firmly affixed to the back of the entries.
• Please indicate the photographic process in your description. For example, 35 mm, digital, medium format, color, sepia tone, silver print, etc.
• Do not submit prints that have been previously exhibited at NCCA-Artsplace.
• Work may be shipped, please include pre-paid return shipping labels if you would like us to return work.
• The NCCA will take every precaution to ensure protection of artwork, however, we will not be responsible for any loss or damage.
• Any artwork left after June 27 may become property of NCCA, unless other arrangements have been made.
• Send or drop off completed entry form, framed work and include a payment made to NCCA for the non-refundable entry fee of $25 Member or $30 Non-Member, to:

2015 Statewide Photo Competition
Newaygo County Council for the Arts
13 East Main Street, Fremont, MI 49412

Submit entry form with up to two photographs.
Entry fee covers one or two entries.

2015 Statewide Photo Competition Entry Form

2014 NCCA Statewide Photography Competition


Dianne Carroll Burdick


Lisa Medendorp

Our goal is to exhibit and acknowledge the finest photographers in the state of Michigan and encourage greater growth and achievement in the photographic community. The Jurors, Brad and Todd Reed of Ludington, have selected the photographs and are very excited to announce the winning selections during the free public reception on Saturday, May 3, 10:00 a.m. – Noon.
Photographers who are part of the exhibition this year are: Pete Blackburn, Dianne Carroll Burdick, Randy Butters, Deborah Ann Chrystal, James Churchill, Katie Day Schirmer, Patricia Dee, Colleen Hall, Jill Herrington, James Hilbrand, Richard Hinton, Gail Howarth, Brian Kainulainen, Donald Leigh Karel, W. Christian Kuebler, David Lancashire, Becky Llewellyn, Barb Lowry, Judi Luptak, Lisa Medendorp, Gale Nobes, Joan Ransom, Keith Schuiteman, Misty Silvis, Jane Stroschin, David Toombs, Diana VanDeusen,
Piotr Wasilewski, and
Paul Zinger.