October 11 – November 11
Reception Saturday, October 21, 10:00 a.m. – Noon
Jansma Gallery at NCCA-Artsplace, 13 E. Main St., Fremont, 231-924-4022.
Founded in 1946, the Michigan Water Color Society mission is to promote a stronger awareness and interest in watercolor as well as advancement of the watercolor media as an art form, through presentation, workshops, juried shows and artist networking. Their aim was to further watercolor education, maintain high standards artistically, while based on the premise of integrity and professionalism, and to be a forum open to all points of view. The annual travel show includes 30 award winning paintings selected by the MWCS to tour the state of Michigan. Member and local artist Lori McElrath Eslick will also have work included along with the following artists:

Sherry Adams Foster
Linda Allen
Cindy Bender
Mark Bonnette
Kevin Clifford
Jan Filarski
Patricia Flynn
David Giordan
Richard Goff
Janine Helton
Ken Hobson
Laura Whitesides Host
Carole Hunnes-Nielsen
Georgie Jagner
Diann Benoit Jameyfield
Sam Knecht
Carol LaChiusa
Debra LaRocque
Rosemary Lee
Susan Mankowski
Robin Maxon
Catherine McClung
Laura McGuire
Kathleen McNamee
Sandy Meyer
Rocco Pisto
Diane Roach Smith
Lisa Tennant
Suzanne Wirsing
Carol LaChiusa

Lori McElrath-Eslick


September 6 – October 7
Reception Friday September 8, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Jansma Gallery at NCCA-Artsplace,
13 E. Main St., Fremont, 231-924-4022.

Marlan Cotner is an award-winning artist from West Michigan represented in numerous solo shows in Michigan and Ohio. She has exhibited in local and regional competitions and her works are included in the collections of Governor Blanchard, Governor Engler, and James Brooks.

Her art has won awards in the Michigan Fine Arts Competition in Birmingham/Bloomfield, the Mid-Michigan Competition in St. Joseph, the Western Michigan Competition in Holland, the Small Wonders Competition in Lansing, and numerous others. She is a published artist with over two hundred illustrations in books and magazines.

This exhibit is a gathering of fifty-some works represent years of crafting fine paintings; including still life, figurative, humorous, and animal subjects. Enjoy the trip through decades of this singular artist’s works.

King of the Jungle

King of the Jungle
Sat., May 20 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Ages 4 – 5 $7
A fun painting experience for our youngest artists. Using tempera paint and oil pastels these little ones will design a friendly lion.

NCCA-Artsplace Exhibit
Paintings by Mary Sundstrom
March 29 – April 29

Reception April 22,10:00 a.m. – Noon
Jansma Gallery at NCCA-Artsplace

Mary Sundstrom is a West Michigan painter, illustrator, jeweler and sculptor, influenced by the natural world of the region. As a naturalist, she is fascinated by creatures, fungi and plants living among the bayous surrounding the Grand River near where she lives. Her playful oil paintings represent what she sees in the landscape mixed with her own perceptions. When Mary is not creating she is traveling with her husband Randy or working at the Holland Area Arts Council where she designs and curates exhibitions and public art projects.

“Pattern” is the word that plays through my mind as I sketch small thumbnails that turn into oil paintings. My favorite subject matter are the plants, objects and reflected shapes of the water and sky. I also appreciate a wet and muddy pondside or unsung weeds. I hope to direct your attention to a frog’s eye view of the landscape or the oddest shaped clouds. My subjects play and interact with each other in the picture plane. Sometimes I create a silent, but riotous “plant party”. This party is decorated with balloon shaped clouds and garlands of wild seed heads. This is the lighter side of my work. The darker side of my paintings are about my disappointment in the human race. How we have nearly destroyed our environment. I imagine the “plant party scenes” took place before humans ever were or after humans have vanished and the landscape returns to what it was before.


Ink, Watercolor and Gilded Pattern Study with Susie Rodriquez

Ink, Watercolor and Gilded Pattern Study with Susie Rodriquez
Sat. February 25 12:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Ages 16+ $30 ($25 Members)
This fun design class is a great way to expand your skills from watercolor and drawing to the use of bold color and bold contrast using ink and metallic accents. This class is fun for beginner and continuing students. Gather together with friends and a talented instructor in warm and friendly surroundings!

Watercolor Exploration – Bursts of Color with Susie Rodriguez

Watercolor Exploration – Bursts of Color with Susie Rodriguez
Sat. January 21 12:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Ages 16+ $30 ($25 Members)
Wash, layering, fine line and broad bleeds will be used in combination with fun, whimsical patterns to complete a watercolor original. A great class for beginners and a wonderful way to build your discipline for experienced watercolor painters too. Taught by Susie Rodriquez, all materials provided.

Chinese Lanterns Watercolor Paintings with Mixed Media

Chinese Lanterns Watercolor Paintings with Mixed Media
Tues., March 21 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Ages 6 – 12 $7
Celebrate the beauty of paper lanterns during the lantern festival in early February. These paintings will involve watercolor and stamping techniques. So beautiful!

Gumball Machine Painting

Gumball Machine Painting
Sat., February 25 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Ages 4 – 7 $7
The artist Wayne Thiebaud was famous for his paintings of pies, ice cream cones and gumball machines. During this class we will honor his work by painting our own gumball machine.

Bird Nest with Eggs – Canvas Painting

Bird Nest with Eggs – Canvas Painting
Tues., February 21 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Ages 8 – 18 $10
Begin to welcome spring with a nest painting on canvas. Simple painting techniques with great results!

Heart Painting with Color and Pattern

Heart Painting with Color and Pattern
Sat., February 11 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Ages 4 – 7 $7
Use bold colors, abundant textures and some cutting and pasting skills to create a one of a kind work of heart.