NCCA 2025 Statewide Photography Competition

Our goal is to exhibit and acknowledge the finest photographers in the state of Michigan and encourage greater growth and achievement in the photographic community. This is a juried competition. Selected works will be exhibited and among them will be the honor of 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and honorable mentions receiving ribbons and cash awards ($250, $150, $100, $50).


Entries Due: May 17, 2:00 p.m.
Acceptance Notification: May 26
Exhibit Opens: May 28
Reception and Awards: June 14, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Exhibit Closes: July 12
Pick-up All Work by August 5

2025 Juror: Richard Hinton

Richard Hinton is a talented local photographer with a passion for capturing the essence of travel and the charm of the American roadside. His journey began in high school when he got his hands on his first 35mm camera, sparking a lifelong love for photography. Over the years, he has adapted to the ever-evolving art form, sharing his expertise by teaching both after-school programs and adult classes through the Arts Place. A seasoned competitor, Richard has earned recognition in numerous photography contests and recently stepped back from the art fair circuit after a successful run. He thrives in the creative possibilities of the “digital darkroom,” taking pride in printing his own work. Having just completed an unforgettable Route 66 adventure, he’s eager for more travels, camera in hand, alongside good friends.

NCCA-Artsplace 2024 Statewide Photography Competition

NCCA-Artsplace 2024 Statewide Photography Competition

Our goal is to exhibit and acknowledge the finest photographers in the State of Michigan and encourage greater growth and achievement in the photographic community. This is a juried competition. Selected works will be exhibited and among them will be the honor of 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and honorable mentions receiving ribbons and cash awards.

Award winners are:
1st Place – Bob Brown for Tulip – Elegance of Form
2nd Place – Dianne Carroll Burdick for Lotus Flowers
3rd Place – Tim Motley for Boys in the Band
Honorable Mention – Stone Peng for Milkweed Pod
Honorable Mention – Russ Barneveld for The Visitor

Juror: Randy Nyhof
I have been involved in photography for over 50 years. In regards to the technical aspects of photography I am self-taught. I learned the aesthetic values from my art experience, and looking at what was considered good photography. To a great extent my approach to fine art photography has been influenced by my education in college, majoring in studio art. I have been influenced by many artists and photographers too numerous to mention. At first I used 35mm & medium format film cameras, but now all my images are captured with various digital cameras. I owned and operated a photography business for over 40 years engaging in wedding photography, senior portraits, family portraits, underclass school day portraits, yearbook publications and commercial product photography. More recently, I have become involved in producing photographic fine art images. In addition to participating in local art shows and competitions within the last 20 years, I have had images published in Popular Photography Magazine, Canada’s PhotoLife Magazine, B&W Magazine, Focus Magazine, Austria’s Trierenberg Super Circuit Publications, Photographer’s Forum Best of Photography Annuals, Black River Calendar Publishing and local publications. I have also licensed photographs for several book covers, music CD covers, including one for an Australian Blues Band, even a background screen for a British Rock Group. I have also licensed a number of my images to be sold on products at the Hobby Lobby Stores and on fabric with Northcott Silk. Now, in my supposedly retirement, I keep busy with steady fine art photography online sales on several shop sites, and am involved in local art & photography organizations, most notably with Grand Valley Artists.

Entry Guidelines

• Must be Michigan resident, 18 or older, to submit work.
• Work must be framed and ready to display or finished appropriately.
• All photographic processes are accepted.
• NCCA reserves the right to decline artwork for any reason.
• Accepted work may be placed for sale during the exhibit.
• A 30% commission is charged on all sales during exhibit.
• Each eligible photographer may submit up to two photographs.
• Entry labels must be firmly affixed to the back of the entries.
• Please indicate the photographic process in your description. For example, 35 mm, digital, medium format, silver gelatin, sepia tone, etc.
• Do not submit prints that have been previously exhibited at NCCA-Artsplace.
• NCCA will take every precaution to ensure protection of artwork, however, we will not be responsible for any loss, damage or theft.
• Any artwork left after August 3 may become property of NCCA unless other arrangements have been made.
• Send or drop off completed entry form, framed work and include a payment made to NCCA for the non-refundable entry fee of $25 Member or $30 Non-Member, to:
2024 Statewide Photo Competition
Newaygo County Council for the Arts
13 East Main St. Fremont, MI 49412

NCCA Statewide Photography Competition Application

Photo Fabric Lighthouse Landscaping with Dr. Kruszinski

Photo Fabric Lighthouse Landscaping with Dr. Kruszinski
July 31 10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Ages 16+ $90 (Members $85)

Learn the art of collage landscaping with an inserted lighthouse picture printed on a photo fabric. Choose from Big Sable, White Lake, Muskegon, Grand Haven or Holland lights. You will amaze yourself at how easy it is to create a beautiful Lake Michigan Pier seascape in fabric! Prepare to have fun! Sewing machine needed. Equipment/materials list provided at registration.


Rescheduled from July 24 to July 31.

Preregistration is required, give us a call at 231-924-4022 to sign up today!

Let’s Go Diving! Underwater Photography Presentation with Kelly Walkotten

Let’s Go Diving! Underwater Photography
Presentation with Kelly Walkotten
Thursday 6:30-8:00 p.m. July 18
Class Fee: $10 (Members $5) All Ages

Let’s Go Diving! with Kelly features some of her best diving worldwide. She will take you to the Caribbean with the famous sharks in the Bahamas, Cozumel, known for its fast currents, Bonaire, where the aquarium like waters are abundant with sea life, Grand Cayman, a wall divers dream and Roatan, known for its large coral swim throughs and large aquatic animals. We will also dive the Pacific ocean, Hawaii, where there is seven times the reef life found in the Caribbean. Galapagos, made famous by Charles Darwin, is where the north and south currents collide. Australia, known for the Great Barrier Reef, and twenty one times the amount of sea life than found in Hawaii. Papua New Guinea brings in a new world of diving by adding muck diving as well as reef dives. The Indian Ocean, known as the Ring of Fire, has many small island countries residing within this area including Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Maldives all known to have some of the best diving in the world. Join Kelly and her presentation of the worlds best diving and the beautiful marine life that lives beneath the waves.

Photography: Nature of A Trout Stream with Kevin Feenstra

6:00-8:00 p.m.

September 6

Class Fee: $55 ($50 Members)

Ages 14-Adult

The first half of the class time students will discuss the
biodiversity of the trout stream, approaching different
subject matter and how to frame each one using
Kevin’s slides as examples. Long lenses, landscape
photography, macro photography, and underwater gear
will also be discussed. Kevin will bring his camera gear
and lenses, as well as a basic underwater rig for the
students to familiarize with on location at Branstrom
Park in the second half of the class. A great combination
of classroom and hands on photographic experience!

2014 NCCA-Artsplace “Baby It’s Cold Outside” Winter Photo Contest

Deadline: Monday, December 8, 2014 – 5:30 p.m.
Eligibility: Open to everyone, photos must be unframed, 8” x 10” and involve a winter theme.
Awards: Friday, December 12, 5:30 p.m. at NCCA-Artsplace.
Call NCCA 231-924-4022 for details.
2014 Winter Photo Contest Entry Form

NCCA-Artsplace Winter Photo Contest – Winners Announced

The NCCA-Artsplace Winter Photo Contest is a free contest open to everyone. The deadline for entry was January 12.

Photographs will be on display at NCCA-Artsplace through February 6.

1st Place – Susan Gilliland “Perfectly Preserved”

2nd Place – Megan Wirts “Light As A Feather”

3rd Place – Carrie Homrich “Silence”

Honorable Mention – Aaron Carpenter “Woman in the Dunes”