Coptic Bound Collagraph Clay Book!
Wednesday, June 12, 19 and 26 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Ages 16 – Adult $55 ($50 Members)
Create a book out of stoneware clay, laying a design into it using collagraph printmaking techniques! Day one will be designing and “printing” the clay slabs, day two will be glazing, and day 3 will be folding signatures and coptic binding your fine art book together! Based on the artwork of Alaskan artist Nakultoruq Mighell Silver Hand.
Coptic Bound Collagraph Clay Book!
Coptic Bound Collagraph Clay Book!
Coptic Bound Collagraph Clay Book!
Wednesday, June 12, 19 and 26 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Ages 16 – Adult $55 ($50 Members)
Create a book out of stoneware clay, laying a design into it using collagraph printmaking techniques! Day one will be designing and “printing” the clay slabs, day two will be glazing, and day 3 will be folding signatures and coptic binding your fine art book together! Based on the artwork of Alaskan artist Nakultoruq Mighell Silver Hand.
Coptic Bound Collagraph Clay Book!
Coptic Bound Collagraph Clay Book!
Wednesday, June 12, 19 and 26 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Ages 16 – Adult $55 ($50 Members)
Create a book out of stoneware clay, laying a design into it using collagraph printmaking techniques! Day one will be designing and “printing” the clay slabs, day two will be glazing, and day 3 will be folding signatures and coptic binding your fine art book together! Based on the artwork of Alaskan artist Nakultoruq Mighell Silver Hand.
Architecture Print
Architecture Print
Saturday, March 9 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Ages 6-10 $10
Master the art of foam printmaking and layer your architectural print on top of a watercolor background!
Regional Printmaking Exhibition
Regional Printmaking Exhibition – January 11 – February 24
Reception, January 20 – 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Jansma Gallery at NCCA-Artsplace
This regional exhibit encompasses all forms of printmaking, including traditional copper etching, intaglio images, wood block print, lino cut, lithography, serigraphy (silk screen), collagraph printmaking and more.
The history of printmaking began in the Han Dynasty China. The earliest known example, a woodblock print on silk, has been dated sometime during the Han Dynasty from 206 B.C. to 220 A.D. Modern printmaking can involve silk screens, aluminum plate, and even heat presses.
A wide variety of printmaking tools and equipment showing the processes will also be part of this dynamic exhibit. Be on the lookout for early spring classes and enjoy live demonstrations at the reception on January 20!
Come explore this diverse artform!
If you would like your print considered for this exhibition, please contact Lindsay Isenhart, NCCA-Artsplace 231-924-4022 or email The show is open to all types of printmaking from Michigan artists.
Intaglio/Etching Printmaking with Lee Ann Frame
Intaglio/Etching Printmaking with Lee Ann Frame
Sat., March 11 • 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Sun., March 12 • 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Ages 16+ $85 ($80 Members)
Inspired by the printmaking exhibit? Learn to create a metal plate by acid and dry point etching taught by artist Lee Ann Frame! These intaglio etching techniques of aqua tint, etching, open bite, and others will be taught. Students will develop a 4” x 6” plate and print multiple copies in this two day workshop. All tools and materials provided.
Radial Printmaking with Foam
Radial Printmaking with Foam
Thurs., March 9 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Ages 8 – 18 $10
In this class students will draw radial designs on foam. When these designs are inked they make a beautiful circular design. Very colorful!
Etching / Intaglio Printmaking with Lee Ann Frame
Etching / Intaglio Printmaking with Lee Ann Frame
July 8 and 9 10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Ages 16 to Adult
$85 ($80 Members)
How to prepare, etch, ink and print a metal plate onto fine printmaking papers, using a variety of tools, grounds, acid baths and our printing press. All materials provided for this intensive workshop.
Saturday Drop-in Art for Children: Leaf Reduction Print
Saturday Drop-in Art for Children
November 16 Leaf Reduction Print
Instruction begins promptly at 11:00 a.m.
Saturday 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. $3 per child
Join us on Saturday mornings for a “make and take” art
experience. All ages are welcome; children under age 5
should be accompanied by an adult.
Reduction Block Printmaking Class with Lindsay Isenhart
Reduction Block Printmaking Class
with Lindsay Isenhart
Mondays 3:30-5:30 October 14, 21, 28
Class Fee: $50 ($40 Members) Ages 16 – Adult
In relief printing, a reduction print is a multicolor print in which the separate colors are printed from the same image at different stages. Usually, the lightest color of the design is printed first, then the block is “reduced” by carving to the areas which the artist wants to print the second color from, and so forth. This great block printing class uses soft cut blocks to make the carving easy on your hands while allowing maximum creativity! Participants will carve and print their block creating over a half dozen acrylic ink printed images or cards. Great for holiday cards or framing.