Tiffany Foil Stained Glass Flower

Tiffany Foil Stained Glass Flower
Mon., July 11 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Ages 16 to Adult

$40 ($35 Members)
Use a simple pattern to cut petals, grid edges, copper tape and solder to a glass gem center. Add a garden state. This flower is a beautiful addition to any container garden or flower bed.

Stained Glass Succulents with Lindsay Isenhart

Stained Glass Succulents
with Lindsay Isenhart
June 22 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Ages 16+ $50 (Members $45)

Learn cutting, foiling and soldering using the copper foil method. Choose your own colors and textures to create a stained glass succulent plant that you never have to water and always looks fabulous!

Intro to Tiffany Foil Stained Glass Heart with Lindsay Isenhart

Intro to Tiffany Foil Stained Glass Heart
with Lindsay Isenhart
Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. July 27
Class Fee: $55 ($50 Members) Ages 16-Adult

This class is designed to introduce students to creating and using glass patterns, precise cutting and grinding of stained glass pieces, foiling of glass and bevels, soldering foiled glass pieces, and finishing a stained glass heart with patinas and wax. When complete have the confidence to use these skills to try a bigger project on your own in our glass classroom! All tools provided.

**FULL, Waitlist Available**Tiffany Foil Stained Glass Method

Thursday 6:00-8:30 p.m. February 15 & 22
Class Fee: $65 ($60 Members) Ages 16-Adult
The copper foil technique method made popular
by L.C. Tiffany at the turn of the century, involves
wrapping the pieces of glass with copper foil and
soldering them together along the length of the seams.
Using cutting, grinding, copper foiling and soldering
skills students will use a variety of colors of art glass
and bevels to create a quilt block style pattern project.
This two day class is limited to 10 participants.

Stained Glass Mosaic Trivet with Mary Anderson November 30, December 7

Thursday 5:30-7:30 p.m. November 30, December 7
Class Fee: $35 ($30 Member) Ages 16-Adult
Come and test out the art of glass mosaic on a small scale. Plan your own unique trivet design choosing from a wide selection of glass colors. Learn to cut glass and grout your pieces. This would be a great gift and also a fun class to share with a friend.

Glass on Glass Mosaic Windows with Deb Emerick

Monday/Thursday 5:30-7:30 p.m.

October 12, 15, 19, 22

Class Fee: $100 ($90 Members)

Ages 16-Adult
$10 Discount if you bring your own window
Class fee includes all materials.

Come and join mosaic artist, Deb Emerick, and transform
an old window into a colorful work of art using stained
glass and other materials. Deb will guide you through the
process of designing your window and then implementing
your design using glass cutting and mosaic skills. You
may bring your own window or you may stop in at the
NCCA-Artsplace and select a window.

Stained Glass Crash Course with Vicki Gillespie

Saturday 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.,  June 20

Ages 16-Adult

In this class, you will learn all of the steps required for
the copper foil method of construction including scoring
and breaking glass, applying copper foil, soldering,
cleaning, applying an edge and hanging hardware. Use
our tools, supplies and glass (including beveled glass)
to complete this 7” round project in just one day! No
experience is necessary. We’ll take a short break, so
bring a snack if you like. Please register for this class
by Friday, June 12.

Just for Kids – Mosaic Mirrors with Kris Vredeveld

Thursday 3:45-5:15 p.m.

February 4, 11, 18

Class Fee: $40($35 Members)

Ages 12+

Breaking tiles with hammers, what can be more fun than
that? In this class students will use broken tiles to create
their own unique designs. The students will learn basic
mosaic skills including grouting their pieces.