Fused Glass Wind Chimes

Fused Glass Wind Chimes
Fri. March 14 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Age 16-Adult $45 ($40 Members)
Create five bold hanging chimes to attach with coated jewelers wire to a fused glass topper or a piece of drift wood. All materials provided. Finished project ready to pick up a week after class.

**Full, Waitlist Available**Fused Glass Suncatcher/Wind Chimes with Linda Moore

Thursday, April 12: 6:00-9:00 p.m., April 19: 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Class Fee: $65 ($60 Members) Ages 16-Adult
Just in time for the coming spring is a colorful fused
glass suncatcher/wind chime. In this class Linda will
give instruction in cutting glass, and creatively layering
colors in preparation for the fusing process. The
second week will be spent assembling the fused pieces
into a unique art piece using wire and beads. Are you
ready to try this exciting art form?

Fused Glass Sun Catcher/Wind Chimes with Linda Moore

Thursday 6:00-8:00 p.m.

May 4, 11

Class Fee: $60($55 members)

Ages 12-Adult

Just in time for the coming summer is a colorful fused glass suncatcher/wind chime. In this class Linda will give instruction in cutting glass, and creatively layering colors in preparation for the fusing process. The second week will be spent drilling holes and assembling the fused pieces into a unique art piece using wire and beads. Are you ready to try this exciting art form?